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Speaker Webinar - Professor George Baker

George Baker, Visiting Professor at the Harvard University Center for the Environment, will be speaking on “The Integration of Renewables on the Grid: The Role of Transactive Energy Management”.

Monday, April 13th, 2020 4:00 - 5:00pm EDT. There will be a ~20 minute Q&A at the end, open to all participants. To receive the Zoom link, please register here:

You can watch the recorded webinar from our YouTube channel:

Our speakers’ views do not represent our stance. We pick speakers from a wide range of actors in the private and public sector to give our audience different opinions on how to decarbonize our world.

Privacy Disclosure: We record all our webinars and post them on our website. If you are interested in following our webinar live and do not wish to have your name displayed, please use a pseudonym. If you read this after the webinar, do not hesitate to contact us to modify the recording and grant your anonymity.

April 6

Speaker Webinar - Professor Daniel P. Schrag

April 28

Speaker Webinar - Scott S. Nyquist and Luciano Di Fiori