HUCEG Industry Consulting Projects are our window into the professional clean energy sector. We work with companies and provide research, analysis, or general support for their operations.
HUCEG’s consulting cases initiative supports teams of students with significant academic and professional experience to find opportunities for real-world experience with clean energy companies through consulting. Over the past three years, our clients have included Climeworks (largest provider of DAC+S technology), ChargePoint ($3.2B company and largest provider of EV charging stations in the U.S. and Europe), SYSO Technologies (a Massachusetts utility), and ventures from the prestigious Greentown Labs incubator.
TImeline and structure
Project timelines typically last 6-8 weeks, from September to December. Teams typically consist of 4-6 analysis, an associate– a prior analyst who excelled at their project, and one project lead– a senior member with associate experience.
Each member is expected to contribute 5-10 hours of research per week.
Clients will provide a specific statement of work and meet with team leads (bi)weekly to receive updates. Our team will present a final deliverable at the end of the semester. Clients may request an additional midpoint presentation.
Past Clients
Bluefield Research: a Boston-based water research firm that specializes in market analysis for corporate and governmental stakeholders. This project will focus on identifying market opportunities for renewable natural gas produced from municipal wastewater treatment in the United States.
Flexeole: a French start-up developing flexible, small-scale wind turbines for local microgrids. This project will focus on developing a market entry strategy for distributed onshore wind in Europe and the Atlantic.
HydGene Renewables: an Australian synthetic biology and clean tech start-up that is developing biomass-based green hydrogen production technology. This project will focus on researching markets in Australia and internationally where biomass feedstocks and hydrogen end-use applications are co-located.
Climeworks: We researched potential partner companies for Climeworks, ranging from law firms to large airliners.
Leap: We have conducted in-depth market research on a total of 12 European countries (Germany, France, Italy, Netherlands, Switzerland, Belgium, Norway, Denmark, Sweden, Finland, Spain, & Portugal).
Blended Power: a renewable energy consultancy founded in April 2021 which has managed over 1 GW in solar project development (joining interconnection grid, procuring buyers, permitting). This project explores how utilities are changing their generation and procuring more electricity from renewables, to support developers in identifying where to build out solar.
Elemental Recycling: a recycling startup incorporated in 2019 which converts plastic into graphite and graphene using only renewable energy and with no waste streams. This project is researching the nascent graphite and graphene markets to produce an executive company summary for Elemental Recycling, to help attract investors as they transition from R&D to expansion and starting manufacturing.
SYSO: a renewable energy management company founded in 2020 which manages energy assets in real time. Our team is researching state- and utility-level renewable energy incentives to help SYSO decide which wholesale power market(s) to expand into.